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Category: US News
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A clerical error elevates a manslaughter conviction to a murder charge in Kennewick
This week, a guy who had pleaded guilty to murder in connection with a robbery in Kennewick, Washington, was set to be sentenced to 17 […]
In a last-ditch effort, longtime Southern Baptist churches expelled for women pastors fight to stay
The robed choir sang an upbeat missionary chorus, the congregation sung hymns from the Baptist Hymnal, and the pastor talked on the need of being […]
The United States government has imposed price controls on 43 medications
After fining 27 pharmaceuticals earlier this year for price increases, the Biden administration said on Friday that it will apply inflation penalties on an additional […]
Officials have reported finding dead fish on beaches around the Gulf Coast of Texas. This is why
It’s possible that hundreds of dead fish washed up on the dunes of Texas’ Gulf Coast this week, shocking beachgoers. KSAT, a CNN affiliate, reports […]
Can You Guess Which Judge Will Hear Trump’s Medical Records Case?
According to a source with knowledge of the situation, the criminal case filed against the former president this week will initially be overseen by the […]
The first Ukrainian Bradley Fighting Vehicles were destroyed by Russian forces
Images of damaged and destroyed U.S.-donated M4A2-ODS Bradley Fighting Vehicles have begun to surface as Ukraine presses its counteroffensive in the Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk oblasts. […]
Gavin Newsom launches a vicious Twitter takedown on Kevin McCarthy by releasing a stack of receipts
After Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) challenged California Governor Gavin Newsom’s (D) proposal for a 28th Amendment to the Constitution to curb gun violence, Newsom responded angrily. […]
An aerospace engineer breaks out how China’s hypersonic missiles function and the specific dangers they provide to US interests in the Pacific
The Pentagon has reportedly assessed that China’s newest hypersonic missile, the DF-27, poses a significant danger to U.S. aircraft carriers due to its ability to […]
The Obama administration is pleased that Tesla plans to utilize taxpayer money to install charging stations.
On Friday, the White House indicated that charging stations for electric vehicles that utilize Tesla standard connections would be eligible for billions of dollars in […]
Afghan Mosque Hit by Deadly Bomb during Funeral for Top Taliban Official
During a memorial service for the Taliban regional deputy governor who was killed this week in an attack by the Islamic State group, a bomb […]