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The Real Estate Company That Treats Its Customers Like Royalty

Château Properties, a Ra’anana-based real estate business led by Doron Bartal, combines expertise and personability to enable individuals wishing to acquire or rent a piece of the “jewel of the Sharon area” with the greatest real estate investment that matches their specific needs.

Ra’anana, once a vast field of farmlands, has, over the past few decades, become known as the “pearl of the Sharon region,” and home to over 75,000 people; native Israelis and new Olim alike. The city’s wide variety of shops, healthcare options, green parks, schools, eateries and other entertainment venues, attracts people of all ages and backgrounds to its main street, Ahuza, as well as to its industrial zone. Its diverse mix of new construction and fixer-uppers – expansive, single-family homes and apartments alike, draw into the city residents and investors from all over the world.

Armed with a passion for architecture and an affinity for people, Doron Bartal, the founder of Chateau properties, is on a mission to help as many people as possible fulfill their Ra’anana real estate needs. Chateau properties offers a large selection of apartments and homes for sale and rent and provides assistance with everything related to securing a home in the city, from connections with mortgage lenders and property inspectors to post-purchase property management services, and beyond.

Living, breathing and feeling Ra’anana
Living in Ra’anana himself, Bartal is intimately familiar with the city’s neighborhoods and communities, as well as with its services, and overall vibe. This “insider knowledge” is what enables him to so precisely meet the needs of Chateau Properties’ many satisfied customers. He explains that, although demand for properties in Ra’anana has been on the rise in recent years, the city is no longer one of the most expensive real estate markets in the Sharon region.

Bartal regularly scopes out quality properties and smart investment options that can be acquired at more attractive prices than those in neighboring cities, such as Herzliya, Ramat Hasharon and Tel Aviv. Additionally, he emphasizes the city’s quality educational institutions and Olim-friendly programs as reasons to choose Ra’anana, in addition to the city’s close proximity to both the sea and the country’s metropolitan epicenter.

A track record of success
In just short of two decades, Bartal has made a name for himself as “the right person to contact, at just the right time,” especially when it comes to investments worth millions of shekels. Chateau Properties’ large selection of apartments and homes for purchase, rent or Airbnb-style leasing, enables Bartal to most fittingly match each and every customer to the perfect property that meets their needs.
With you, every step of the way
Bartal, focused on helping his customers achieve their Ra’anana real estate goals, built Chateau Properties as a one-stop shop for all his customers’ real estate needs by providing guidance and support throughout the search for the most suitable property, during the negotiation process, and well after signing; to help secure a satisfactory mortgage, complete renovations and more. This is achieved through aptly integrating extreme professionalism and reliability, with a naturally human touch.

When asked for the secret to his success, Bartal notes that “while, at the end of the day, a deal is a deal, to me, it’s much more than that – each deal is an interpersonal relationship, during which I accompany the customer to the entryway of their new home.” Ensuring his customers are secure in their decisions and without any uncertainties along the way, is what enables Bartal to build strong foundations of trust that motivate customers to close more deals. “At Chateau Properties, we aim to provide you the highest level of professional service. We consider each customer as a family member who deserves nothing but the best service.”