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How to Upload Music from Google Play to YouTube

Your library from Google Play Music will soon be able to be moved over to YouTube Music, so the time has almost arrived. Even if Google may have needed an additional year or more to get here, we succeeded.

Google claims you’ll be able to transfer your songs, albums, playlists, purchases, uploads, recommendations, taste profile, and collections “with one click.” The problem is that you have to wait for Google to approve your request.There are a few ways to assess your readiness to transition from Google Play Music to YouTube Music. These many methods include:

Get a Google email: Google is meant to notify you via email when it is time for a transfer. When you receive the email, there should be a button or link directing you to the appropriate location to start the procedure.After you select one of the aforementioned alternatives, a screen will appear with a list of everything that will transfer and the buttons “Transfer” and “Not Now” to complete the procedure in one click. You can begin by tapping “Transfer” to get things going. “This may take a while depending on the size of your library,” as you can see in the image above.

After you transfer, you should receive two emails: one confirming your billing transfer from Google Play Music to YouTube Music (if applicable) and another confirming the completion of the transfer of your collection. It can take some time for the second email to arrive if your library is big.Since Google Play Music isn’t dying just yet, you may be wondering if you can perform this transfer again if you add more music. You sure can. In fact, Google says that you can transfer as often as you like until Google Play Music is no longer available. Each time you transfer, it will only bring over whatever is newly added and won’t mess with the stuff you already moved. Nice, right?

There are a couple of things to know that might cause a minor hang-up:

Google states that to migrate, you may need to create a YouTube channel if you do not already have one. That process is pretty simple to do and doesn’t mean you’ll ever have to post anything. I’m assuming it’s simply because YouTube Music is tied to YouTube.
Google Play Music accounts can’t be transferred to YouTube Brand accounts, so you’ll have to move everything to a personal, normal YouTube account.