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Group chats in Google Messages Stable now include encryption

There is major news to be aware of in the world of Google Messages because we all enjoy sending messages and using encryption. People using Google Messages’ stable version are reportedly now experiencing the encryption upgrade that was first introduced to group chats in the beta version.

According to Mishaal Rahman, the current build that is utilizing this new functionality is messages.android_20230329_00_RC01.phone_dynamic. Feel free to try to contact all of your pals who use Google Messages and RCS if you’re using that build. You can tell that it is encrypted by the lock icon and transmit button that are located next to the timestamp.

I wish I could tell you that I’ve tried it and it works, but unfortunately, like many others. I’m using the Google Messages beta, which ought to have had this feature long ago. Additionally, everyone in my immediate vicinity uses Telegram to communicate with me rather than the antiquated practice of text messaging.

Since this is an RCS feature and not merely a Google Messages feature, you must have RCS in order for it to function. This makes things more difficult or might even restrict who you can use to your benefit. RCS seems cool! Don’t misunderstand me! But because Google took so long to release this, everyone I know switched to other platforms.

Let me know whether your group discussions in RCS now have encryption, Google Messages users.