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For AR screens, Samsung might employ MicroLED instead of OLED

Several companies, including Apple and Meta, are vying for the AR headset industry, and Samsung is interested in supplying display panels for those headsets. A Samsung Display official is claimed to have stated that MicroLED panels will be favoured over OLED displays for AR headsets.

According to TheElec, Samsung Group chairman Kim Min-woo stated during a MicroLED display workshop event that due to better brightness, corporations would prefer employing MicroLED displays for AR headsets. He also stated that such displays will necessitate the creation of new LEDs.

Samsung Display is claimed to be working on On Silicon panels, which employ silicon rather than glass as a substrate to create the MicroLED displays required in AR headsets. The business intends to produce panels with a pixel density of 6,600 ppi. It was previously stated that the South Korean display giant is also working on silicon-based OLED screens.

AR, VR, and MR headsets all have unique requirements. AR headsets require brighter screens because users interact with the actual world in low-light conditions, but VR headsets can get by with dim displays. It remains to be seen who Apple selects as the display provider for their future augmented reality headgear.