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Dad Devises Plan To Scare Off Playground Drug Dealers

Virginia Beach resident Jeremiah Field thought his family was lucky to have moved into a home situated directly across from a nice neighborhood playground.

He expected his children would have lots of fun making new friends and running around the playground.

But he was disturbed when his wife called him saying she had just seen someone dealing drugs less than 20 feet away from where their child was playing in the park.

The family’s neighbors confirmed they had seen similar situations in recent weeks.

Jeremiah decided to handle the drug dealers on his own terms, but also alerted local police to what was going on.

When Jeremiah saw the individual his wife and others had seen dealing drugs, he calmly walked from his house to the playground.

Then he approached the alleged drug dealer, grabbed his backpack, and told him to get lost and never return to that playground if he knew what was good for him.

He told the dealer, “This playground is designed for our children and it’s not a storefront for you to sell your drugs.”

He also went one step further, posting a handmade sign that states plainly, “Sorry No More Drug Deals – We’ve Had Enough!”

Now his neighbors consider this dad their local hero.