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Couple’s Maternity Photo Shoot Takes Bloody Twist When ‘Alien Baby’ Rips Through Mom’s Belly

Pregnancy is something that can be incredibly challenging for all those involved.

But for a couple who has been trying for a child, it can also be a glorious and beautiful thing, a promise full of hope and anticipation for a bright future.

This is especially so when you consider that despite the help of modern medicine, miscarriages and stillborns are unfortunately still relatively common – and that is without considering other events that can affect your unborn child.

There is still enough to worry about that carrying a child to full term and having a successful childbirth is something that most parents don’t take for granted.

Todd Cameron – Facebook
Todd Cameron – Facebook

In light of this, maternity photoshoots are incredibly popular with couples whose partner is in the third trimester of their pregnancy.

It is, after all, a great way to make a moment more memorable than it already is, and to capture that important part of your relationship and life in some tangible form.

Todd Cameron – Facebook
Todd Cameron – Facebook

Tedd and Nicole Cameron, a Canadian couple from Nanaimo, British Columbia, decided to take some gorgeous maternity shots in this quaint pumpkin patch – with a little extra twist!

A warning for the faint of heart – some of their photos get pretty gory, and for a good reason.

Todd Cameron – Facebook

This husband and wife duo happen to be major horror movie fans with an interesting sense of humor.

While at a garage sale, Tedd came across a delicious find – a chestburster monster model from the movie Alien.

Being self-respecting horror fans, they obviously couldn’t resist the urge to try incorporating the model into the maternity photoshoot.

Plus, for those who know the movie, the chestburster monster just lends itself naturally to how it should go in the shoot!

Working with costuming, special effects, and the like isn’t something the two of them are unfamiliar with.

Every year, they would regularly rig up elaborate, hand-made costumes and go ham on their house’s Halloween decorations.

In fact, Tedd and Nicole had actually met at Halloween!

Isn’t that amazingly appropriate for this horror-loving couple?

So with the help of Li Carter, a local professional photographer, they sought to make this flimsy-looking model look otherwise horrifically real.

The results speak for themselves!

The first few shots are initially pretty typical of a maternity photoshoot – serene, dreamy, and as befitting this couple’s quirky sense of fun, a little humorous!

But then as you progress through the shots, things take a decidedly graphic turn.

While sitting side by side on a large piece of cloth in the pumpkin patch, Nicole seems to have been overcome by some sort of pain from her pregnant belly.

The album here on out gets decidedly fun, if very bloody.

Todd Cameron – Facebook
Todd Cameron – Facebook
Todd Cameron – Facebook

The shots appear as if they were taken in rapid sequence, detailing a story of how – gasp! – Nicole was harbouring a chestburster alien this whole time!

Todd Cameron – Facebook

Tedd then goes chasing after the runaway alien creature before sweeping it up into his arms and bringing it back to Nicole for a hug.

Todd Cameron – Facebook
Todd Cameron – Facebook
Todd Cameron – Facebook

This is, after all, the ‘child’ of himself and his wife!

Todd Cameron – Facebook
Todd Cameron – Facebook

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