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An Expert Answers Your Flu Shot Questions With Flu Season Already Here

This year’s flu season seems to be exceptionally bad, making the yearly influenza vaccination even more vital than normal, according to infectious disease specialists.

People are already being admitted to hospitals with severe cases of influenza, approximately a month before the start of flu season, according to Dr. William Schaffner, medical director of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases.

This corresponds to flu activity in Australia this year, which experienced an early and relatively severe influenza season, according to Schaffner. Because the seasons in the United States and Australia are reversed, infectious disease specialists in our country turn to that continent to forecast forthcoming flu activity.

“We expect a significant influenza season this year.” We’ve had two mild seasons, which we believe is due to people staying at home, using masks, being careful about travel, and children not attending school,” Schaffner said.

“Well, the kids are back in school now, “He said. “We’ve removed our masks. We’re on the road. We’re in town to see friends and family. We’re going to churches and eateries. We’re getting back to work. All of those things are being done. And this will create an environment in which the influenza virus may propagate.”

Unfortunately, many individuals are still unwilling to be vaccinated. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, just about half of those who were eligible received a flu vaccination during the 2020-2021 season.