Biden Was Opposed to Forgiving Student Loans… However, we now know who changed his mind.

Let me explain why I believe the Axios article I’m going to share with you was planted by a Biden handler. First off, Joe isn’t making “decisions” inside the White House, as we all know. That is ridiculous because the dude can’t even get off a six-foot stage. Additionally, the move to cancel student loan debt has backfired, and I believe this article is an attempt at “damage management.” We can discuss whether or not I believe it to be entirely phoney later. Let’s focus on the really terrible concept of eliminating student debts for wealthy Ivy League students for the time being.

According to Politico, President Joe Biden made millions of Americans up to $20,000 richer with the stroke of a pen by exempting them from repaying money they had borrowed at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars to taxpayers.

The awardees are not the most deserving, unfortunate, in need, heavily indebted, or those who have rendered the most valiant service to our country. Instead, they meet the requirements because they borrowed money for education.

Delivering on a major campaign promise to the Democratic Party’s base of college-educated voters may be politically wise. Notably, many of the recipients of aid took out loans to pay for graduate degrees like JDs and MBAs – a group that rarely needed financial assistance but will recall this giveaway come November. But from a distance, this decision appears ludicrous.

Consumer debt owned by American families as of June was more than $4.5 trillion (excluding mortgages), most of which was not college debt. 
Fewer than one in four households, including those with higher incomes, have student loan debt, according to the Federal Reserve. 
What justification exists for using “borrowed money for college” as criterion for choosing the recipients of extraordinary public good?
So what is the situation with this Axios article? 
They’re saying that Joe Biden wasn’t really in favour of cancelling student loans. 
He believed that working-class people would be furious at having to pay for rich, Ivy League pupils. 
But Kamala and his wife Jill persuaded him to take the action.

Okay, as I already stated, Joe does not make decisions, especially ones this important. Second, Kamala and Jill aren’t fond of one another, and the same is true for Kamala and Joe. There is therefore a suspicious situation at hand.

However, “Joe” was correct to decide against carrying out the student loan forgiveness. According to a recent CNBC study, conducted online by Momentive, 59% of Americans are afraid that student loan forgiveness may worsen inflation.

Here’s a screenshot of the Axios article:


Here’s what I think… Joe was involved in the discussion and didn’t want to do it, but Jill and other top Handlers vetoed him. I believe they added Kamala’s name to it, to make it seem like this is a fully functioning administration, that listens to WOMEN, bla bla bla.