After Bullies Steal The Child’s Shoes, Police Buy Him a New Pair

Two Ohio deputies went above and beyond to help a little boy who was being bullied at school.

When two Hamilton County Sheriff’s deputies learned about a boy who had to wear his grandmother’s shoes after his own shoes were stolen by bullies, they decided to do something about it.

“This youngster had his shoes stolen by a few bullies,” the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office posted on its Facebook page. “The next day he had no choice but to wear his grandmother’s shoes to school, and several kids ridiculed and made fun of him. He skipped school the following day to avoid the taunts.”

The deputies took action; they drove the boy to a local Foot Locker and told him to pick out whatever shoes he wanted, according to WNYW.
“You can see he’s elated and hugging our Deputy,” the post continued.

The post is quickly going viral. It has been shared nearly 2,000 times in just two days.

“In a time when, nationally, some want to bash police and portray us all in a negative light, I hope people realize THIS is the face of law enforcement,” Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Neil added. “This is just one of countless stories of caring deputies dedicated to going above and beyond for the citizens we serve.”